Tonight at work, I got my EKG (electrocardiogram) recorded, for free! I even got to take the paper recording home as a souvenir. See, the head nurse needed to train some other nurses to use a new EKG machine. They always test their equipment on young, healthy, preferably
handsome men, and well, hey, who are we kidding, they natrually came to me first. Why am I so happy? Well, besides the fact that I got to show off my hot torso to the gawking nurses in a socially acceptable manner, it's just that the little things keep the world going. Especially the world at work. It is especially helpful when one of your subjects withdraws from a study halfway through the protocol. One Jane Doe decided last night that the blood draws for 816 were too much (we told you three times in screening what you'd be going through, lady, and you had already had draws twice) and wanted to be discharged. Of course, we had to let her go, but it's always frustrating when someone bails out, and proceeds to take their compensation pay with them anyway. Sleep well!
On a more positive note, things are rolling along with my new place. Tomorrow, I will place the order for the utilities to be turned on, and this weekend Deanna and I can start moving in. It'll be wonderful to have a place finally to myself (well, with a roommate) to call home--not home away from home. To finally arrange it how I want and throw parties how I want and do whatever the hell I want, when I want. Speaking of wanting, we are desperately lacking a television and painting materials! If anyone reading this has a TV for sale and/or painting brushes/pans/throwcloths/dipsticks/whatever to lend, please let me know. It would be greatly appreciated!
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