Saturday, September 3

My Rant

The situation down south is utterly embarassing. I've been politically apathetic in the past, but this is just inescapable. Two heavily preventable watershed events in one decade--amazing. Screw 9/11, the repercussions here will be far more extensive. It's far more fundamentally serious. I hope some positve change will come about. I'm too frustrated, and concerned with finishing moving, to explain myself, but see here:

Anger, eloquence mark TV coverage of hurricane Katrina's aftermath
this is FOX NEWS, guys, what does that say about how serious this is?
Craigslist -- search for "race" and/or "looting"
Ted Koppel Rips, Rips RIPS Michael Brown of FEMA on "Nightline"
The big disconnect on New Orleans
Rapes, killings hit Katrina refugees in New Orleans
Budget Cuts Delayed New Orleans Flood Control Work
Agencies drilled for 'worst-case scenario'

And this is our commander in chief 2 days after the hurricane hit:

Glad to see he's concerned and getting down to business.

Finally, put this into perspective: Bush actually admitted that things weren't perfect for once. This has to be serious!


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